Below is information from the 2024 Festival. Please check back later for 2025 details!​
Visit our Vendor Marketplace to shop from Alaskan fiber artists & farmers, or to learn more about a local fiber organization!
Friday, October 11th | 5-8pm
Saturday, October 12th | 10am-4pm
& Sunday, October 13th | 10am-4pm
14 Mile Farm
64 North Fibers AK
AK Venture
Alaska Jude’s Yarns
Alaskan Expressions
Born Fuzzy Boutique
Calypso Farm
Coyote Trail Farm and Fiber Mill
Dancing Skies Fiber Arts
Eager Spinners Farm
Emma Creek Fiber & Yarn
Evolutionary Thread
Fairbanks Weavers & Spinners Guild
Far Out Forest
Goldstream Knits
Hats With Attitude
Heather's Hooks
Howling Ridge Design
Juneau Woolies
Knotty Little Things
Landly Stitched
Patty’s Wool Pets
Pheonixx Fibers
Polychrome Fibers
Tundra Toes Custom Cranked Knitwear
UAF Large Animal Research Station
White Fireweed Farm
Cabin Fever Quilters' Guild
Community Hats
Lagomorph Land
Local Color: Community Art Show
OneTree Alaska (Tempestry Project)
Interested in being a vendor? Email fairbanksfiberfestival@gmail.com to join the waitlist!
Thank you so much to our sponsors! Sponsorships allow us to offer ‘pay what you can’ discounts on vendor fees and workshop registration for those who need it, and help keep the Fiber Festival free to the public!
Born Fuzzy Boutique
Coyote Trail Farm and Fiber Mill
Emma Creek Fiber & Yarn
Hats With Attitude
Polychrome Fibers